your income plus the income of your spouse/common-law partner is below:
- $28,752 if your spouse/common-law partner receives the full OAS pension
- $52,176 if your spouse/common-law partner does not receive an OAS pension
- $40,272 if your spouse/common-law partner receives the Allowance
If you moved to Canada as an immigrant
If you are an immigrant who is sponsored
If you are a sponsored immigrant and have lived in Canada for less than 10 years after age 18, you cannot receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement while you are sponsored unless your sponsor:
If you are an immigrant who is not sponsored
If you are an immigrant who is not sponsored, you could receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement if you receive the Old Age Security pension.
Benefit for your spouse or common-law partner
If you are eligible to receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement, your spouse or common-law partner may be able to receive the Allowance benefit if your spouse or common-law partner:
- is 60 to 64 years of age
- is a Canadian citizen or a legal resident
- resides in Canada and has resided in Canada for at least 10 years since the age of 18
- your combined annual income is less than the maximum annual income threshold for the Allowance
Benefit for a surviving spouse or common-law partner
Allowance for the Survivor
- you are 60 to 64 years of age
- your spouse or common-law partner has died and you have not remarried or entered into a common-law relationship
- your annual income is less than the maximum annual income threshold for the Allowance for the Survivor