Applications for Conservation wetland permits

The Town of Reading regulates wetlands and floodplain protection in accordance with the terms of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (M.G.L. 131 Section 40 A) and the Town of Reading's Wetlands Protection Regulations. The Environmental Protection Agency/United States Army Corps of Engineers also regulates activities in wetlands through the Clean Water Act.

Wetlands include streams, ponds, marshes, wet meadows, bogs, swamps, and other wet areas, as defined by the Wetlands Protection Act.

To apply for a Tree Removal Permit or Minor Project Permit from the Conservation Commission go to the Town of Reading's Online Permitting System, OpenGov Cloud. Application for these two permits will only be accepted through the online application portal.

Applications and Checklist

*Applications that need to be received 2 weeks prior to the meeting date you would like to attend: