Planning reform
Planning reform phase 2 stage 1 amendments came into effect on 17 February 2023.
Planning reform is delivering a best practice land use planning system for the Northern Territory (NT) to deliver better planning outcomes, restore community confidence, and encourage new investment.
Read more about our planning system on the NT Government website.
Read below to find out about the planning reform process.
Progressing planning reform
Planning system reform involves:
- changes to planning laws and regulations
- amendments to the NT Planning Scheme
- development of new information resources
- upgrades to online systems
- changes to administrative processes.
To achieve the many changes needed, the reform is split into two phases.
Phase two
Changes associated with phase two stage one came into effect on 17 February 2023.
Phase two stage one sought to improve processes and outcomes relating to the design of buildings and places. This was achieved through changes in the planning scheme.
The planning scheme has been enhanced by:
- incorporating local design responses from area plans into location specific development requirements, to more succinctly inform design and decision making about developments in strategic locations
- establishing better design guidance for apartment, mixed used and commercial buildings to ensure they respond to the local context
- increasing the number of low-risk uses that can be interchanged in commercial zones without the need for a development application
- moving some uses to permitted or simpler assessment categories.
Phase one
Phase one was implemented in 2020.
- amending the Planning Act and Regulations
- introducing the NT Planning Scheme 2020
- upgrading online information and processes.
The following are the consultations that have occurred during both phases of the reform.
Phase two
Phase 2 - Stage 1 consultation (2022)
- Summary paper PDF (1011.5 KB) - a high level introduction to the proposed planning scheme amendment
- Detailed information paper PDF (2.0 MB) - an in-depth explanation of the proposed changes to support the interpretation of the integrated schedule of amendments
- Integrated schedule of amendments PDF (5.6 MB) - a consolidated, ‘clean’ version of all the proposed changes integrated with the relevant parts of the planning scheme
- Appendix A: Individual project amendments - Economic Recovery Actions PDF (2.8 MB) - a document identifying the changes proposed by the Economic Recovery Actions project.
- Appendix B: Individual project amendments - Designing Better PDF (1.9 MB) - a document identifying the changes proposed by the Designing Better project.
- Appendix C: Supplementary information PDF (3.2 MB) - new guidance notes to assist interpretation of technical requirements
Archived online consultation:
Phase One
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Phase 1 - Draft Planning Amendment Regulations 2020
Archived online consultation:
Phase 1 - Draft NT Planning Scheme 2020
6 March - 24 April 2020
An extended formal exhibition period was provided for the proposed planning scheme amendment to introduce the NT Planning Scheme 2020.
In addition to the statutory exhibition requirements, the release of the draft NT Planning Scheme 2020 was supported by additional online content, briefings and workshops to explain the proposed changes.
Submissions received during the exhibition period were used to refine the new planning scheme and inform the final decision by the Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics. Read the amendment decision on the NT Government website.
- draft NT Planning Scheme 2020 PDF (2.3 MB)
- explanatory document PDF (940.6 KB)
- flyer PDF (370.7 KB)
- video.
Archived online consultation:
Phase 1 - Planning Amendment Bill 2020
On 13 February 2020, the Planning Amendment Bill 2020 (the Bill) was introduced to the Legislative Assembly, beginning the process to amend the Planning Act 1999.
The Bill was referred to the Legislation Scrutiny Committee for consideration.
The Legislation Scrutiny Committee process included:
- a period for public submissions ending 11 March 2020
- a report tabled by the Scrutiny Committee on the inquiry into the Bill on 5 May 2020.
For more information about the Legislation Scrutiny Committee inquiry, go to the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory website.
Phase 1 - Stage 3 consultation (2019)
7 October - 29 November 2019
Stage 3 of consultation on Planning Reform sought feedback on changes to the Planning Act 1999.
A consultation draft of a Bill to amend the Act was released providing details of the proposed changes.
A suite of supporting documents was also available to provide context about how the changes to the Act will work with other changes to the planning system to implement planning reform.
- Progressing Planning Reform: a Snapshot PDF (454.8 KB)
- Progressing Planning Reform: an Overview PDF (1.8 MB)
- Consultation Draft Bill for Amendments to the Planning Act 1999 PDF (462.4 KB)
- Draft Examples of Possible Changes to the NT Planning Scheme PDF (2.1 MB)
Archived online consultation:
Phase 1 - Stage 2 consultation (2018)
26 July - 7 September 2018
Consultation on the Phase 1 Priority Reforms aimed to get in-depth feedback on the proposed reforms.
This consultation targeted frequent users of the planning system and those who participated in the reform process in 2017. Consultation was conducted by Elton Consulting and included:
- a telephone number for queries
- feature on the ‘Have Your Say’ website providing information and seeking feedback
- focus group sessions held in Darwin, Alice Springs and Katherine for stakeholders including:
- community members
- environmental groups
- planning and legal professionals
- industry associations
- local government (LGANT, greater Darwin Councils, Regional Councils and Remote Councils in and around Katherine and Alice Springs)
- Northern Territory Planning Commission
- directions paper PDF (441.2 KB)
- phase 1 Priority Reforms Paper PDF (277.9 KB)
- fact sheet PDF (708.2 KB)
- technical Q&A PDF (173.9 KB)
Archived online consultation:
Phase 1 - Stage 1 consultation (2017)
15 October - 8 December 2017
The initial consultation included:
- an online survey
- inviting written submissions
- two industry workshops, held in Alice Springs and Darwin
- one focus group with respondents to the telephone survey
- two Council workshops involving members from most local government areas
- pop-up community consultation sessions at local shopping centres and malls.
Over 1,000 people from Greater Darwin, Alice Springs, and Katherine were directly involved in the consultation, with additional residents reading the documents on the website.
- discussion paper PDF (888.6 KB)
- fact sheet PDF (192.8 KB)
Archived online consultation:
- Have Your Say – Planning System Reform: Review, Reframe, Renew
Planning Reform
Lands Planning
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics
GPO Box 1680, Darwin NT 0801