What is a comprehensive plan, and why should it matter to me? At its core, a comprehensive plan is a vision for the future of a community. Comprehensive plans are created by and for the community to record shared goals and desires that determine what their city will look like…
During the construction process, city building inspectors will need to review the work to ensure it is in compliance with our building codes. To request an inspection, you will need to visit myNixa, login to your BS&A account, and enter the permit number we assigned to your project. You may…
OverviewPermit TypesPermit Fees Overview Whether you are building new construction, remodeling a structure, adding an accessory structure to your property (such as a shed, fence, pool, deck, storm shelter etc.), or infilling into an existing commercial space, most construction projects will require a building permit. Permits are required to ensure…
Everything you need to know about Nixa business licenses. Thank you for choosing to do business inside Nixa city limits! Note: Business licenses must be renewed annually. All business licenses expire on December 31st of the year in which they were issued. About Business LicensesNew Business LicenseNew Liquor LicenseLiquor PermitsRenew…
AboutCourse LessonsAlumniStudent Application About To apply to participate in the next Nixa Citizen's Police Academy class, select the "Student Application" tab to complete and submit our online form. Upcoming Program Dates The 2024 class is currently full, but we are still collecting applications for the 2025 class. We will keep…
The purpose of nuisance codes isn’t simply to keep Nixa beautiful (although that is an added benefit!). Nuisance codes make it possible for our community to stay healthy and safe from disease-ridden animals and unsanitary conditions. Nuisance ExamplesNuisance Resolution ProcessReport Nuisance Issue Nuisance Examples Nuisance Examples: Here are the 5…
To file a complaint against any employee of the Nixa Police Department, select the button below.
Want to provide building contractor services inside Nixa city limits? If you're building from the ground up, you'll need to apply for a contractor license using myNixa. Visit myNixa Fees: The fee for a new Contractor's License is $50.00.Existing Nixa contractors may renew their licenses for a fee of $25.00.…
Overview: All decks in Nixa must have a permit prior to construction. Deck permit cost: $75.00 Please review the deck guidelines prior to submitting your permit application. NOTE: The City of Nixa is NOT responsible for the removal or replacement of structures placed in an easement. Ready to apply for…
Definitions Encroachment The installation, maintenance or repair of: a driveway approach, sidewalk, utility facility (data and/or communications, gas, sewer, water, electric, etc.) public or private, that is installed on, over or under any portion of a public right-of-way or public easement (utility, drainage or other) or public property that requires…
OverviewEligibilityApplication ProcessPast Projects Overview What is the Nixa Beautification Façade Grant Program? The program offers grants to property owners (that meet certain conditions) to renovate and rehabilitate building facades. To be eligible a building must: be in an area zoned commercial or industrial and be constructed prior to January 1,…
Overview: All fences in Nixa must have a permit prior to construction. Fence permit cost: $40. City Code Section 105-60. Fences. See the rules regarding fences in our online library of codes. Fence Regulations The following regulations apply to all fences to be constructed within the City. Site Plan and…
Overview: If you plan to operate any fireworks stand (from which temporary or seasonal sales of fireworks will occur) inside Nixa city limits, you are required to first apply for a Fireworks Stand Permit. The base fee for this permit is $100 and an additional $90 electric meter fee may…
Please complete this form to report any problem or issue requiring maintenance or repair. To report any emergency regarding electric, water, or sewer utility services, please call 417-725-3229. To report any public safety emergency, please call 911. When you submit this form using the button at the bottom of the page, we…
AboutApply Now About All Nixa residents who wish to hold a garage sale inside the city limits must obtain a garage sale permit. Permits are free of charge, but residents are limited to two per year. Garage sale permit applications may be completed online at the tab above or in-person…
Apply for a permit to use a golf cart on city streets! On August 27, 2018, Nixa City Council passed ordinance 20-400 allowing the use of golf carts on city streets with certain restrictions. A golf cart is defined as a motor vehicle that is designed and manufactured for operating…
Nixa Utilities customers (residential, commercial, or industrial) may use the fillable form below to transfer their service to a different address when they move from any address served by Nixa Utilities to any other address served by Nixa Utilities. This allows you to keep the same account without needing to…
If you have a public meeting scheduled for a Home Owners Association, social club, non-profit group or other audience and would like for either an elected city official or city staff member to attend and/or provide a presentation, please complete this form. Not sure which elected official represents your area…
This is the account portal powered by BSA-online where you can view your Nixa Utilities account, manage business licenses, building permits, and schedule inspections.
To report a crime properly, read all instructions first. Some situations should not be reported using this online crime reporting system. InstructionsFile Crime Report Instructions Instructions If This Is An Emergency Stop and Call 9-1-1 Please allow three full working days following the submission date of the form for processing.…
City of Nixa payment portal powered by InvoiceCloud.
AboutRequest City RecordsRequest Police Records About The City of Nixa is continually seeking to make more public information available to the public through our website. Transparency is important to us. However, not all city records are available online. We comply with Missouri Sunshine Law and federal open records laws. If…
The Nixa Police Department wants to make sure we can contact you if there is an emergency at your property while you are gone for an extended amount of time. If you are going out of town you may leave emergency contact information for your property with us in the…
If you are interested in potentially joining the Nixa Police Department as a Police Clerk, the first step is to complete this online form.
Give a compliment or commendation to one of our police department employees by completing the form.
Would you like a member of our department to come speak to your business, group, or organization? Please complete this form. The Nixa Police Department is committed to community-oriented policing and accepts requests from the community for a variety of crime prevention, education and safety programs. Requests must be made…
If you are interested in potentially joining the Nixa Police Department as an officer, the first step is to complete this online form.
Want to ride along with a Nixa Police Officer to learn what their job is like, or just to learn more about how we operate? Print, complete, and turn in this form at the Nixa Police Department. Or, you can contact our Operations Bureau by calling 417-725-2510 to request a…
Overview: All pools in Nixa must have a permit prior to construction. Pool permit cost: $80 In-ground Pool permit cost: $160 Rules & regulations for in-ground and above-ground swimming pools Setback Requirements All Swimming Pools in residential districts must comply with the street right-of-way setbacks set forth in Article XII,…
Looking for lost, stolen or seized property and wondering whether an item has been turned in or retrieved as found property to Nixa Police? Please complete our Property Inquiry form. About Property InquiriesFile a Property Inquiry About Property Inquiries Property and Evidence is located at Nixa Police Headquarters. Property &…
OverviewAccepted and Non-Accepted ItemsService Area & Schedule Overview The City of Nixa Recycling Center is open to residents who live inside Nixa city limits and is not available for use by commercial businesses. Those that live outside the City of Nixa boundaries (but still have a Nixa telephone prefix of…
AboutProceduresChecklist About The City of Nixa has a rental inspection program which requires any rental unit to have an inspection before a tenant moves in and utilities are turned on in the tenant's name. We offer 2 ways to schedule and pay for your rental inspection: You can schedule and…
What type of problem do you need to report? Please review the different forms we offer for different types of issues. Each of these buttons will take you directly to a page where you can file a report so we can begin to address the issue. Fix It Request (report…
You can count on us to restore power as fast as safely possible. If we are aware of a power outage impacting a significant amount of Nixa Utilities electric customers, we will update the outage map page linked below. Areas on that map which are highlighted in red are known…
The Nixa Police Department responds to requests and distributes those requests in accordance with the Missouri Sunshine Laws. Visit the Nixa Police Department or file a request online using the form below. Questions? Call us at 417-725-2510. If you are emailing your request, please include: NamePhone numberCase numberAll individuals involvedDate…
This page has information for landlords of residential rental properties seeking to be able to offer Nixa Utilities services at the property to be rented. If you are a tenant moving into a rental property in Nixa seeking to set up your Nixa Utilities account, please visit our page for…
The following will be required to establish Nixa Utilities service at any residential address: Residential ApplicationPicture IDInformation for anyone over the age of 18 that will be living at the address (see application).Passed rental inspection (Rental Properties Only).Payment for deposit (cash, check, money order or debit/credit card) Are you already…
We believe a great idea can come from anyone. Please share your ideas and suggestions for how we can improve the municipal government and Nixa community using the form below. Be sure to check out our 5-year strategic plan to review the ideas submitted by the Nixa community and prioritized…
Overview: Permanent signs must meet different requirements than temporary signs. Cost of temporary sign permit: $25 Cost of permanent sign permit: $50 See the full city codes relevant to signs in our online code library. Permanent Sign Restrictions and Requirements: All permanent signs require a permit, applicant must demonstrate compliance…
Overview: Thinking about installing solar on your rooftop or elsewhere on your property? Nixa Utilities is here to assist. We’ve put together a checklist for customers considering private solar energy to help you understand private solar energy options, and decide whether solar ownership may be right for you. To complete…
Do I need Special Event Permit? A special event permit is needed for temporary events that would disrupt the flow of traffic or businesses, such as closing streets or parking lots. Events requiring a special event permit could include anything from 5K runs to block parties, including anything with a…
Overview: All sheds and other accessory buildings, whether built on site or pre-built must have a permit. Permit cost is $40. See the full codes relevant to accessory building setbacks in our online code library. Accessory Building Codes Setback Guidelines: All accessory buildings and structures in residential/business districts must comply…
Overview: All storm shelters in Nixa, whether installed inside a structure or outside the home or business, must have a permit prior to construction/installation. Storm Shelter permit cost: $80 Storm Shelters must be installed/built according to manufacturer’s instructions. Please ensure you have these instructions on-site at the time of inspection.…
Want to report a tip that might help us solve a crime or locate a person of interest? Use this form to report a crime tip to the Nixa Police Department. You may submit tips anonymously or provide your contact information if you want us to follow up with you.