If you are experiencing issues with x2vol please email westst@friscoisd.org or stop by B121 with your computer during advisory or before school.
ALL FISD and/ or RHS activities with any club, organization, team, booster club, school, teacher, sponsor or coach count toward the RHS NHS exclusive goal.
Service Hour RequirementsWhenever you participate in an RHS NHS activity, you will need to complete the participation form and then you will also need to complete the NHS hours form to log your hours with us. Often you will be completing 2 forms, and the participation form is how we track your RHS NHS participation for the RHS NHS scholarships.
Tracking HoursSince we are using x2Vol this year, students should use x2Vol to keep track of their NHS Volunteer hours. Please note that Hours for the 100 Hour Cord must also be entered in Xello as NHS is the only group using x2Vol this year.
RHS NHS Hours Submission Via x2VolThe counselors and the counseling office keep track of and handle all of the 100 Service Cord requirements and information. Please contact the RHS Counseling office for questions about the 100 Hours Cord or service requirements.
NHS members hoping to earn the 100-hour cord must also enter in their NHS Service Hours in Xello for those to count toward that cord.
From the By Laws ARTICLE VII ACTIVITIESSection 1. The chapter shall determine one or more NHS service projects for each school year.
Section 2. All members are required to participate in these projects. Students must complete twenty hours of community service per school year. These hours shall include at least ten hours serving FISD or chapter NHS service projects.
Section 3. These projects shall have the following characteristics: fulfill a need within the school or community; have the support of the administration and the faculty; be appropriate and educationally defensible; and be well planned, organized, and executed.
Section 4. Each member shall also have the responsibility for choosing and participating in an individual service project that reflects his or her particular talents and interests and as approved by the chapter advisor(s). These service hours must be earned through approved community organizations.
Section 5. The chapter shall publicize its project in a positive manner.
Section 6. Students must submit proof of all twenty hours of community service by a date in April chosen by the NHS advisers and approved by the faculty council, though the advisor(s) may ask for checks throughout the school year.
Section 7. Service hours obtained outside of NHS service projects require proof of service signed by an adult community member in a leadership position.
ARTICLE VIII DEFINITION OF HOURSSection 1. FISD hours are for activities that directly benefit the FISD school system. At least ten of the required number of hours must be FISD hours.
Section 2. Individual hours should be community sponsored and should be used for the benefit of the public. At least ten of the required number of hours must be FISD hours.
Section 3. Projects for other school clubs may count for the FISD hours except in the case of special, announced activities.
Section 4. Members who receive penalty hours must complete them in the school year they are received.