1. A licence does not give the licensee an estate or interest in the land.
2. A licence allows someone the right to enter the land of another with permission and prevents him/her from becoming a trespasser.
3. Once permission has been withdrawn then the licensee becomes a trespasser.
4. If the land is transferred to a third party the rights of the licensee will not be binding on the purchaser unless the court finds that a constructive trust has arisen.
7.2 Bare Licences
1. A bare licence gives the licensee a right to enter the land of the licensor.
2. It arises either by express grant, e.g. an invitation to enter the land, or by implied grant, e.g. someone delivering goods, or the postman.
3. A bare licence is limited in extent and does not allow the licensee unlimited rights over the property.
4. A bare licence can be revoked by the licensor at any time.